The button below will bring you to our ERC Support platform where you can pose your question and browse the frequently asked questions (FAQ) and their solutions. Your query will generate a ticket for which you will receive a confirmation email.
View the Help Centre
European Resuscitation Council VZW, Science Park, Galileilaan 11, Building Isala, Office 3.12b, 2845 Niel
Tel: +32 3 246 46 66
Send us a message using our ticket service
Every weekday
from 09:00 until 16:30 CET.
The office is closed during weekends.
01/1/2025 - 21/04/2025 - 01/05/2025 - 29/05/2025 - 30/05/2025 - 09/06/2025 - 21/07/2025 - 15/08/2025 - 01/11/2025 - 11/11/2025 - 25/12/2025 - 26/12/2025