Basic Life Support - Instructor

Large-scale, effective training of BLS providers is needed. Many candidates on BLS/AED Provider Courses are lay people. Some subsequently want to become instructors. This course trains healthcare professionals and lay people to teach BLS effectively.

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In order to train as many BLS providers as possible across Europe, the ERC has developed a course to train people to teach the techniques of CPR to a wide range of people. BLS is fundamental to all cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The course is suitable for lay persons and healthcare providers who wish to become BLS Instructors and have been identified as having Instructor Potential. BLS course attendees that show exceptional aptitude for resuscitation techniques can be recruited by unanimous vote of the BLS instructors and Course Director for a Instructor track. This pool of candidates is known as recruits with Instructor Potential.

The course lasts one day (minimum 7 hours excluding breaks) and consists of interactive lectures and demonstrations of the skills required to be a good BLS and AED provider.

Manuals will be provided for the participants one month before the course.

 Candidates who have completed the course successfully are known as Instructor Candidates and they receive the ERC BLS Instructor Certificate. They become full instructors after teaching on two ERC courses.

Candidates for this course may be healthcare professionals or lay people and must hold an ERC BLS/AED Provider certificate, and have been nominated from their provider course as having Instructor Potential (IP).
