
The new ERC Course System is a comprehensive virtual learning platform to support our students and instructors during courses and to stimulate life long learning.

What is this project about?

The previous ERC Course Management system was initiated over ten years ago. In its time it was an advanced system specifically designed for the ERC's multinational administrative needs. Over the years it was built on and improved, but it was lacking an environment where students and instructors could work and grow together. ERC considers this synergy amongst our volunteers our greatest asset.

As a non-profit organisation our revenue is limited but we saved up and in 2015 the board approved the development of this new system under Prof. Dr. Patrick Van de Voorde from the University Hospital Gent, Belgium and Bart Vissers ERC CEO. Prof. Van de Voorde coordinated with the ERC Office and multiple external partners: Uniweb, Typework and Intuo to create this unique environment.

CoSy was designed from the start to be improved upon. So as our needs and teaching methods advance so shall this system. When a new country wishes join and make use of our services we can easily expand our system translations and support. ERC already has partnerships with countries in North Africa, the Middle East and the Russian Federation.

We have great expectations for the future of ERC and we know CoSy will support us considerably in our mission: To preserve human life by making high-quality resuscitation available to all.
